Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Learn Various Aspects of Survey Equipment Supplies

Survey equipment supplies refer to the instruments and equipment's that are used in different surveying applications and the companies that manufacture them. The best way to get survey equipment supplies is through the Internet. Survey equipment supplies include various modern surveying equipment's, laser surveying equipment, level surveying equipment, hydrographic survey equipment's, land surveying equipment, GPS surveying equipment's and many more survey equipment. Different types of surveying fields require different types of surveying instruments.

There is a need for personal supplies during a surveying process. If the surveying process requires you to visit a volcanic site or do some harmful experiments then it is very important to protect yourself. For this purpose there are fire retardant vests available in the market. During a survey expedition you will have to carry along the required surveying equipment's. There are backpacks available that are manufactured specially for this purpose. These backpacks accommodate the reasonably sized survey equipment supplies and various daily used items.

In order to collect field data while surveying Trimble Juno ST handheld is a very popular and efficacious equipment. It is extremely lightweight and has a completely integrated field computer. It provides the GPS positioning of two to five meter that too in real time.

GPS digital camera is one of the foremost survey equipment supplies. Weather resistant and high resolution pictures are some of its prime features. Spatial station, vernier compass, transit, semi-circumferentor, etc., are some other useful survey equipment supplies that are very popular among surveyors.

Survey equipment supplies provided by the companies can be broadly divided into 2 parts, namely surveying instruments and second the used surveying instruments. You can easily purchase the equipment that you are in need of. The choice of new equipment's or old equipment's depends on-

* Magnitude of the surveying process. * Type of surveying process. * The cost which you can afford. And many more.

So far as the quality and performance of all surveying supplies goes, you can rest assure that they will be excellent; if you have purchased it from a reliable source.

It is very important to select the best company which can fulfill your surveying supplies needs. Always make sure to purchase the supplies for your surveying process from an authorized dealer.

I hope this information on various aspects of survey equipment supplies will assist you in selecting the best and appropriate equipment for your surveying purpose.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Law: Choice of governing law and jurisdiction

This is especially obvious with regards to worldwide business transactions. Contracts are closed between two parties sitting in two different parts of the world and without meeting each other vis-a-vis Law tutor.

In view of that, more accentuation ought to be placed on the private international legal framework of the states, guaranteeing that they don't stale and are up to international guidelines in managing issues that constantly emerge in International businesses.

As cross-border transactions constantly arise, a pertinent issue naming "choice of law" holds significant importance in the private international law applicable to international commercial agreements. Contracts are mere pieces of paper without any legitimate impact unless a specific reference to some private law is given which characterizes the commitments expected by the parties to the agreement and the recommends the way of redress through the appropriate court system in case of failure to perform contractual obligations.

A governing law provision in any commercial contract defines the law which will govern or regulate the contract in the event of a dispute, as opposed, jurisdiction clause specifies the courts or international institution that will have exclusive jurisdiction to try the matter or resolve disputes. These clauses are though equally important as that of the commercial arrangements between the parties; they are yet neglected amid drafting the general terms of the contract and are considered as standard boilerplates at the end of the contract.

It is vital that these conditions gain as much importance as the substantive arrangements of the agreement. Failure of parties to agree on the governing law can lead to expensive and massive suits deciding the relevant law and jurisdiction to be applied to the agreement. Corporate Lawyers of Dubai assist numerous multi-billionaire companies to have tailor-made commercial contracts prior to entering into an agreement which suits the requirements of both the parties.

Choice of Law Provision

The decision of governing law for the contract is one arrangement in the contract where the parties assign the law of a particular jurisdiction to oversee and regulate the disputes merging between the parties. A such, the parties indicate or stipulate that any claim arising out of the contract will be resolved by the law of a concerned jurisdiction. This decision generally becomes binding on the parties when the parties refer the matter to arbitration.

A significant number of parties, according to statistics of the International Chamber of Commerce, involves governing law in their contract. A standard governing law clause states that "this law of this country shall govern the agreement". There are several preconditions which must be considered prior to choosing a particular which are detailed as below:

Worthiness of the Law for resolving dispute:

International law has authorized parties to adopt any law which might govern their contract, ergo, parties mustn't focus on choosing their home country law for purpose of avoiding additional expenses, but must evaluate the worthiness of law in different jurisdiction which will be appropriate for their commercial arrangements. There are numerous jurisdictions which have an offer importance to case laws and precedents, whereas several jurisdiction are silent on such matters and they not even recognize certain notions of the contract.

Jurisdiction issuesParties generally consider the law of a particular jurisdiction wherein they wish to resolve the dispute. However, this standard can be amended as numerous courts are willing to apply foreign law for resolving the matter if the parties have specifically agreed. Yet, parties should be careful while drafting the contract, as it will often be burdensome for parties to decide what foreign law should be applicable, should the dispute arise. They must also be careful as certain jurisdiction does not apply the foreign choice of law and must also consider the manner in which the court will apply the foreign law. On the contrary, most international arbitration institution is readily acceptable on the foreign choice of law and have arbitrators who can easily understand the foreign law to ease the procedure.

Affinity to the lawGiven the vast cases, parties choose the law which they are familiar to rather than opting a more neutral law. Also, the latter can bring unaccepted surprises which parties are not aware of considering dissimilar procedural aspects.


Jurisdiction Provision

Another most common uncertain clause is to determine the jurisdiction where the word "may" and "shall" can bring unwanted confusion. Importantly, if parties which to have a non-exclusive jurisdiction the word "may" can be utilized, on the contrary for an exclusive jurisdiction the word "shall" should be used. An ideal jurisdiction clause states that "the parties shall/may submit their dispute emerging out of or in connection with the concerned agreement to (court /arbitration) of this country."

A bare review of the foregoing standard jurisdiction clause we note that the first step is to determine which institution shall be given authority to resolve the dispute that is either courts or arbitration institute. Both the system have their pros and cons, hence parties should beforehand determine what should be appropriate for the said matter. It most certainly believed that arbitration offers wide variety of options and advantages over courts which are outlined as below:

Choice of arbitrators expert in such matter;

Private proceedings;

Binding decisions;

Choice of governing law;

Choice of enforcing judgments in different territory;

Common language of arbitration.

UAE Law and Choice of Law

In UAE international parties may face needless issues regarding the application of foreign law to govern the contract. As in certain cases, courts inherit the jurisdiction and governs it according to the UAE local laws such as Civil Transactions Law or Civil Procedure Code. In addition, the courts of UAE will not let go jurisdiction to another court over a matter where UAE courts will in all case have the jurisdiction. This is can be witnessed in the following disputes:

Disputes pertaining to real-estate situated in UAE;

Contract finalized in UAE;

Happening of an event in UAE;

Matters regarding the employment of a resident in UAE;

Issues regarding UAE Commercial agencies;

Property matters related to UAE.

In accordance with the above, if the UAE courts will inherit the jurisdiction, the governing law will be the law of UAE itself. Accordingly, the court will strike down the governing law and jurisdiction clause in the agreement.

What do we learn?

What if there is no governing law and jurisdiction clause in a particular contract? Before the parties get an opportunity to determine the dispute on merits, the parties will have to exclusively determine the courts or law that will govern the contract, which is an expensive and cumbersome decision. The non-presence of governing law and jurisdiction clause confuses the parties to determine if there is a dispute or not and leads to unfavourable decisions.

Importance of Family Law Services: Protecting Your Loved Ones

Family law services play a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being and rights of individuals and their loved ones. This article explores the significance of these services in protecting families, addressing issues such as divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic violence. By understanding the importance of family law services, individuals can navigate legal complexities and ensure the best interests of their family members are upheld Law tutor.


Family law services play a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being and interests of individuals and their loved ones. This branch of law encompasses a wide range of legal matters that pertain to familial relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic violence. By seeking the assistance of family law services, individuals can navigate through complex legal processes and ensure the protection of their loved ones' rights and welfare. This article aims to shed light on the significance of family law services in safeguarding the interests and security of families, emphasizing the importance of understanding and utilizing these services to protect one's loved ones effectively.

Divorce and separation

Divorce and separation are key areas of family law services that deal with the legal processes and issues surrounding the dissolution of a marriage or partnership. Family law attorneys provide guidance and representation to individuals seeking a divorce or separation, helping them navigate through the complex legal procedures involved.

In this area, family law services cover various aspects such as:

- Legal separation: Family law attorneys assist clients in legally separating from their spouse or partner, which involves determining issues such as property division, spousal support, and child custody.

- Divorce: Family law services encompass the entire divorce process, including filing the necessary paperwork, negotiating settlements, and representing clients in court if needed. Attorneys help clients address issues like asset division, alimony, child custody, and child support.

Child custody and support

Child custody and support are crucial aspects of family law services that focus on the well-being and care of children involved in divorce or separation cases. Family law attorneys help parents navigate the complexities of child custody and support arrangements, ensuring the best interests of the child are prioritized.

Family law services related to child custody and support include:

- Child custody: Attorneys assist parents in determining custody arrangements, including legal custody (decision-making authority) and physical custody (where the child resides). They help negotiate custody agreements or represent clients in court to establish custody orders.

- Child support: Family law services also involve determining child support obligations. Attorneys help calculate child support amounts based on factors such as income, expenses, and the child's needs. They ensure that child support orders are fair and enforceable.

Adoption and guardianship

Adoption and guardianship are key areas of family law services that focus on providing legal frameworks for individuals or couples seeking to expand their families or assume responsibility for a child's well-being.

Family law services related to adoption and guardianship include:

- Adoption: Attorneys guide prospective adoptive parents through the adoption process, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and assisting with paperwork, background checks, and home studies. They help finalize adoptions and ensure the legal rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

- Guardianship: Family law services also cover guardianship matters, where individuals assume legal responsibility for a child or incapacitated adult. Attorneys help establish guardianship through court proceedings, ensuring the best interests and welfare of the individual under guardianship.

Domestic violence protection

Domestic violence protection is a critical area of family law services that focuses on safeguarding individuals and families from abusive relationships or situations. Family law attorneys play a vital role in helping victims of domestic violence seek legal protection and support.

Family law services related to domestic violence protection include:

- Restraining orders: Attorneys assist victims in obtaining restraining orders or protection orders against their abusers. They guide clients through the legal process, ensuring their safety and well-being.

- Legal advocacy: Family law attorneys provide legal representation and advocacy for victims of domestic violence in court proceedings, helping them navigate through the legal system and obtain the necessary protection and support.

By addressing these key areas of family law services, individuals can better understand the importance of seeking legal assistance to protect their loved ones and ensure their rights and well-being are safeguarded.

Benefits of Family Law Services

Ensuring legal rights and responsibilities

Family law services play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have a clear understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities within the family unit. These services provide guidance and assistance in navigating complex legal processes such as divorce, child custody, adoption, and property division. By seeking the expertise of family law professionals, individuals can protect their rights and ensure that their interests are represented in legal proceedings.

Providing emotional and financial security

Family law services offer a sense of emotional and financial security to individuals and families facing challenging circumstances. In cases of divorce or separation, these services help individuals understand their entitlements to spousal support, child support, and the division of assets. By providing guidance and advocating for their clients, family law professionals alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated with these matters, allowing individuals to focus on rebuilding their lives and securing their financial future.

Facilitating fair resolutions and agreements

One of the primary benefits of family law services is their ability to facilitate fair resolutions and agreements between parties involved in family disputes. Whether it is negotiating child custody arrangements, visitation schedules, or property settlements, family law professionals act as mediators to ensure that all parties are heard and that a fair outcome is reached. Through their expertise in negotiation and conflict resolution, these professionals strive to minimize animosity and promote cooperation, ultimately leading to more satisfactory and sustainable resolutions.

Safeguarding the best interests of children

Family law services place a strong emphasis on safeguarding the best interests of children involved in family disputes. These services prioritize the well-being and welfare of children, ensuring that their needs are met and their rights are protected. Family law professionals work diligently to establish custody arrangements that promote stability, provide financial support for the child's upbringing, and address any concerns related to their safety and welfare. By advocating for the best interests of children, family law services contribute to creating a nurturing and supportive environment for their growth and development.

By availing themselves of family law services, individuals can benefit from the expertise and guidance of professionals who specialize in navigating the complexities of family legal matters. These services not only ensure the protection of legal rights and responsibilities but also provide emotional and financial security, facilitate fair resolutions, and safeguard the best interests of children.

Choosing the Right Family Law Services

When it comes to selecting the right family law services, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. This section will explore these factors, emphasizing the importance of communication and trust, seeking specialized expertise for specific cases, and understanding the cost and fees associated with family law services.

Factors to consider when selecting a family law attorney

Choosing the right family law attorney is crucial to ensure that your loved ones are protected and your legal needs are met. Several factors should be considered when making this decision. Firstly, it is important to assess the attorney's experience and expertise in family law. Look for an attorney who has a strong track record in handling cases similar to yours. This will provide you with confidence in their ability to navigate the complexities of family law.

Another factor to consider is the attorney's reputation and client reviews. Take the time to research and read testimonials or reviews from previous clients. This will give you insights into the attorney's professionalism, communication skills, and overall satisfaction of their clients.

Additionally, consider the attorney's availability and responsiveness. Family law matters often require timely action, so it is crucial to choose an attorney who is accessible and responsive to your needs. This will ensure that you receive the necessary support and guidance throughout the legal process.

Importance of communication and trust

Communication and trust are fundamental aspects of any successful attorney-client relationship, especially in family law cases. It is essential to choose an attorney who prioritizes open and transparent communication. They should be able to explain complex legal concepts in a way that you can understand and be readily available to address any concerns or questions you may have.

Trust is equally important when selecting a family law attorney. You need to feel comfortable sharing personal and sensitive information with your attorney, as they will be representing your best interests. Look for an attorney who demonstrates empathy, compassion, and confidentiality. Building a strong foundation of trust will ensure that you can work together effectively to achieve your desired outcomes.

Seeking specialized expertise for specific cases

Family law encompasses a wide range of legal matters, including divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic violence. Each case is unique and may require specialized expertise. When choosing family law services, it is crucial to consider the attorney's experience and knowledge in the specific area of law that pertains to your case.

For example, if you are going through a divorce, seek an attorney who has extensive experience in divorce proceedings, property division, and spousal support. If you are dealing with child custody issues, look for an attorney who has a strong background in child custody laws and has successfully handled similar cases in the past. By selecting an attorney with specialized expertise, you can have confidence that they understand the intricacies of your case and can provide the best possible representation.

Understanding the cost and fees associated with family law services

Before engaging the services of a family law attorney, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the cost and fees involved. Family law cases can be financially demanding, so it is crucial to discuss the attorney's fee structure upfront. Some attorneys charge an hourly rate, while others may offer a flat fee or work on a retainer basis.

In addition to the attorney's fees, there may be other costs associated with your case, such as court filing fees, expert witness fees, or mediation costs. It is important to discuss these potential expenses with your attorney and ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the financial implications.

Furthermore, consider discussing payment options and potential payment plans with your attorney. This will help you plan and budget accordingly, ensuring that you can afford the necessary legal representation without compromising your financial stability.

By considering these factors when choosing Forte Family Lawyers, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and ensures the protection of your loved ones.

The Importance of Family Law Services: Protecting Your Loved Ones

Family law services play a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being and rights of individuals within a family unit. These services encompass a wide range of legal matters that pertain to familial relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic violence. By seeking the assistance of family law professionals, individuals can navigate complex legal processes and ensure the protection of their loved ones. This section delves into the significance of family law services and highlights the various ways in which they contribute to the welfare of families.

Ensuring Fair Resolutions in Divorce Cases

Divorce can be an emotionally challenging and legally intricate process. Family law services provide guidance and support to individuals going through a divorce, ensuring that their rights and interests are protected. These professionals assist in negotiating fair settlements regarding property division, spousal support, and child custody. By having a knowledgeable family law attorney by their side, individuals can navigate the complexities of divorce proceedings and work towards achieving a resolution that is in the best interest of all parties involved.

Safeguarding the Rights of Children

Child custody and support are critical aspects of family law that aim to protect the rights and well-being of children. Family law services help parents establish custody arrangements that prioritize the child's best interests, taking into account factors such as their emotional and physical needs, educational requirements, and relationship with each parent. Additionally, family law professionals assist in ensuring that child support obligations are met, providing financial stability for the child's upbringing. Through these services, the rights and welfare of children are safeguarded, promoting their overall development and happiness.

Facilitating Adoption and Surrogacy Processes

Family law services also play a vital role in facilitating adoption and surrogacy processes. These legal professionals guide individuals or couples through the complex procedures involved in adopting a child, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and protecting the rights of all parties involved. Similarly, in cases of surrogacy, family law services help individuals navigate the legal intricacies surrounding the arrangement, ensuring that the rights and responsibilities of both the intended parents and the surrogate are clearly defined and protected.

Addressing Domestic Violence and Abuse

One of the most critical aspects of family law services is addressing domestic violence and abuse within familial relationships. These professionals provide support and legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, helping them obtain restraining orders, file for divorce, and secure their safety. Family law services also work towards preventing further harm by advocating for the rights of victims and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. By addressing domestic violence through legal means, family law services contribute to creating a safer environment for individuals and families.


Family law services are of utmost importance when it comes to protecting the rights, well-being, and stability of individuals and families. Whether it involves divorce, child custody, adoption, or addressing domestic violence, these services provide the necessary legal expertise and support to navigate complex family-related matters. By seeking the assistance of family law professionals, individuals can ensure fair resolutions, safeguard the rights of children, facilitate adoption and surrogacy processes, and address domestic violence effectively. Ultimately, family law services play a crucial role in preserving the harmony and security of families, allowing them to thrive and flourish.

Various types of window curtains to choose from

 The beautiful window curtains help to enhance the feel of a room. Dressing the windows with elegant window curtains is basically for blocking the sunlight.

The window curtains can provide an airy ambience. They provide the warm touch in order to augment the glow of your room. So choose the appropriate window curtain Made to measure curtains.

Windows make your room comfortable and airy. This means that the window curtains material is noticeably important. There are different varieties of cloth to be chosen from. It can be cotton to more elegant options like lace, satin as well as silk. You can have light material for window curtains which will allow sunlight to filter through. The window curtains made of a thick material will block out the sunlight. For window curtains made of silk, interline them with flannel, and then line them with cotton. Or else, the silk material will become pale very fast due to the effect of sunlight. Long window curtains look spectacular, but the additional length of the curtain is prone to picking up dirt. You will need to clean such window curtains regularly. While sewing window curtains, make sure that they are not excessively long. Keep your window curtains a few inches above the ground.

You can get affordable and cheap window curtains in several print fabrics, solid colors, as well as a huge selection of material. Many people prefer earth-colored window curtains, while many others prefer to have bright colors on their curtains. Besides solid colors, the floral print window curtains are also very popular. Try to mix and match different types of colors and materials in order to give your window curtains a unique appeal. Window curtains form a beautiful part of your home. Hence, find just the perfect window curtains in order to offer a proper atmosphere of comfort as well as warmth. These window curtains provide the final touch to any interior. The curtains are available in numerous colors and designs. The window curtains may have several different functions depending on the area of the house. Designs are crucial for interior decoration. The window curtains can accent certain household décor. The window curtains provide a more accurate function depending on the need of the customer. Each style of window curtains has a specific purpose. It is the type of window that will determine the overall type of window curtains that should be used in order to cover up the open area. 

The window curtains used in bedrooms are designed to block out light and visibility from the outside in order to provide privacy. Such window curtains are often thick.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Analyzing the Financial Implications of Real Estate Investment

Real estate has emerged as a prominent investment avenue over the past few decades, offering the potential for substantial returns over time. This article delves into the financial considerations of property investment, examining both capital gains and rental income strategies. We'll explore the nuances of rental yields, the impact of various costs on investment returns, and the timing of property purchases, particularly in dynamic markets like porta potty rental.

The Allure of Capital Gains in Property Investment

Investing in real estate can be a lucrative endeavor, especially when considering the long-term appreciation of property values. There are numerous accounts of individuals who invested a modest sum in real estate several decades ago, only to see their property's value skyrocket into the crores today. However, such investments are typically characterized by their illiquidity, as they often involve holding onto the property for an extended period before realizing any financial gain. Illiquid assets, by nature, do not provide immediate income and require patience from investors.

Rental Properties: A Path to Wealth Accumulation

An alternative to waiting for capital appreciation is to invest in rental properties. This strategy allows investors to generate monthly rental income in addition to the potential capital gains from property value appreciation over time. For those new to real estate investment, a relatively small down payment (usually 15-20%) can secure a rental property, with the rental income used to cover mortgage payments. This leverage can result in significant returns relative to the initial investment.

Case Study: Leveraging Rental Income for High Returns

Consider an investor looking to purchase a property valued at Rs. 1 Crore. With a 20% down payment of Rs. 20 lakhs, the remaining amount can be financed through a home loan. If the property is rented out, the monthly rental income can offset the mortgage interest. Selling the property later for Rs. 1.2 Crore, and assuming the rental income covered the loan interest, the investor would realize a 100% return on the invested Rs. 20 lakhs. In contrast, had the investor used their own funds entirely for the purchase, the return would be 20% on the investment.

However, selecting a rental property requires careful consideration of factors such as capital gains and rental yields. Unlike purchasing a home for personal use, investors must evaluate these financial metrics to make informed decisions.

Understanding Rental Yield

Rental yield is a critical metric for assessing the profitability of a rental property. It represents the annual rental income as a percentage of the property's value.

Calculating Gross Rental Yield

The formula for Gross Rental Yield is as follows:

Gross Rental Yield = (Annual Rental Income / Cost of the Property) * 100

For a property purchased at Rs. 12,00,000 that generates a monthly rent of Rs. 10,000, the Gross Rental Yield would be:

Gross Rental Yield = (10,000 * 12 / 12,00,000) * 100 = 10%

This indicates that the investor earns 10% of the property's cost as rental income annually. However, investors must also account for various property expenses when calculating the Net Rental Yield.

Property Expenses to Consider

Taxes: Property and income taxes associated with the property.

Maintenance Charges: Costs for repairs, furnishings, and replacements.

Agent Fee: Fees for services to find tenants, unless the investor does this independently.

Non-Occupancy: The possibility of the property being vacant for at least a month each year.

Net Rental Yield is calculated by subtracting these expenses from the annual rental income before dividing by the cost of the property and multiplying by 100.

Rental Yield as an Investment Comparison Tool

Gross Rental Yield serves as a comparative tool for analyzing different locations as investment options. However, investors should also estimate the Net Rental Yield for a more accurate ROI on a specific property.

The Dynamics of City Selection for Property Investment

The growth of the rental market in cities like Bangalore and Mumbai can be attributed to factors such as job opportunities and property prices. Bangalore, known as the IT capital, attracts a workforce that fuels rental demand. Mumbai's high property prices lead many professionals to rent rather than buy. These trends make these cities interesting case studies for property investment analysis.

Is Bangalore the Right Market for Property Investment?

Bangalore is increasingly becoming a hot spot for real estate investors, offering significant returns compared to other Asian cities. The presence of multinational companies and job opportunities drives demand for housing, making it an attractive market for both end-users and investors. Festival seasons often bring discounts and incentives from developers, making it an opportune time to invest. The demand for premium homes from HNIs and NRIs is expected to sustain, indicating that now may be the right time to invest in Bangalore.

What Type of Property Offers High Returns in Bangalore?

The demand for apartments and flats in the premium and middle-class segments is high, especially those equipped with amenities catering to IT professionals. For those looking to invest in their dream home or an investment property, the current market conditions in Bangalore suggest that it may be an ideal time to invest.

In conclusion, real estate investment requires a thorough understanding of market dynamics, rental yields, and the impact of various costs on returns. By considering these factors, investors can make informed decisions and potentially reap significant financial rewards.

How to Choose a Tibetan Bowl

Tibetan bowls seem to be all the rage these days. Many people are tuning into their healing capabilities and learning how to use them. The two questions I get all the time are: 'How do I choose a good bowl" and 'How do I know which bowl is good for a specific chakra'.  People also call to obtain a bowl with a certain musical note.  My answers to these questions are founded in the Eastern philosophy rather than from a Western mindset, because this better reflects the nature of the instruments as they were intended. Bear in mind that many bowls are being made now that look old and are not. They have neither the metals, tones, history nor spiritual inheritance of the really old instruments that make the ancient ones so unique Reiki.

Choosing a good bowl requires a few things.

Quality: Educating yourself on the look and sound of an good bowl and learning from  someone who knows. Many people sell bowls and most are new and machine made to look old. Most people will not be able to tell the difference between an antique and a good reproduction. Just because someone sells a bowl or is Tibetan doesn’t mean they are knowledgeable. It takes a trained eye and ear. In the US old can mean 50 years. That is new by my standards. A real old bowl will be at least 100 years old and more often hundreds of years old.  There are several signs of age in a bowl including the shape, the markings inside and out, the thickness of the metal especially on the bottom (thinner is usually older), and the tone. Also, not all old bowls are good bowls. Tone, vibrations, harmonics, awakenness, warmth and longevity of sound all come into play. Bowls were made in a variety of regions of Tibet and their shape and markings are telling.  Some of the bowls have consciousness transformation as their primary intention, and some have physical healing.  This can be determined by their shape.  A high quality, ancient bowl is an investment with a price range from $110 for a very small bowl to thousands of $$ for a huge bowl. If it is inexpensive and old, then it was probably obtained in a less than honorable manner- or not of good quality.


On the other side of the coin is the seller who hikes up the price claiming that a bowl is from the 16th or 17th century. If you really want to determine the exact age of a bowl, you have to carbonize it-melt it down thereby destroying it. Ask where and who authenticates the bowls and how the age was determined and tune into your intuition about the story you are being told. Find out where they come from.. Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, India. Find out how long the supplier has been purchasing bowls and how they get them.


 In Asia, the only way to establish a good and trustworthy relationship with a supplier is over a number of years, and eyeball to eyeball. So the few people who go over themselves to select instruments over a period of years will get the best bowls.


Usage: It is useful to determine what you will use the bowl for: ie meditation, grounding, physical healing ? Do you want to integrate a few bowls into an existent modality or use them with other instruments in a musical vain, or become a sound healer? Do you wish to use them in yoga classes for the relaxation at the end? Are you a nurse and wanting to use them with patients during your rounds? Is this a way for you to call meetings to order in the corporate setting? The answers to these questions will also impact on your choices. It is a good idea to know what you will use them for before you purchase. Collecting bowls is also an organic process. If you obtain one good quality bowl and take the time to really play it until you know its many possible voices and tones, then obtaining another others is a matter of choosing those that harmonize easily with the first one in the context of how they will be used..  There are many types of mallets ie: wood, suede covered, felt covered and each is available in fat or thin, heavy and light versions. Each mallet has will produce a different sound from the bowl when used properly. Remember that both the bowls and the mallets need ‘breaking in time” and that can only happen thorough playing them. The more you play, the richer the sounds you will hear. Just like any other instrument, the bowls respond differently when the metals are warmed up. As the mallets develop grooves and texture they will also deliver better textures of sound from the bowls.


Tone: A bowl should hold its vibration and linger for quite some time when struck producing several layers of tones and overlaying harmonics and overtones. If the vibration and the volume of a bowl piddles out quickly, it is not of high quality. Equally, if it has a singular tone or sounds tinny it is also of substandard quality. Always strike a bowl with the padded portion of a stick rather than wood or suede to produce a soft expansive sound..


When you sing a bowl (rub the rim with the wooden or leather part of a stick) there are several things to consider. How ‘awake’ the bowl is: some bowls sing right away, and some need to be played for a while and ‘broken back in’. This is neither good nor bad but it is important to know so you don’t dismiss a potentially great instrument just because it doesn’t sing right away. Remember also that you can never “get” a bowl to can only invite the sound and wait for it to come up.   When you hear a bowl, listen to your body. If it opens your heart, or moves you deeply in some manner; if you feel tingling all over, or the tone directly impacts one area of your body or grounds you- these are all good signs. Bowls were created for consciousness transformation and healing. You should feel their effect on you.


If you have more than one bowl then it is good to play them together so that their tones harmonize. Eventually, they will anyway, because that is their nature and magic, but why not help the process by starting with bowls that sound great together right away? Note that with several bowls, playing them in one pattern may sound very good and another pattern may not! \



How a bowl looks is also part of the selection process. Its size, shape and personality should be attractive to you.  Since there are many types of bowls, each with its own history and shape, it is a good idea to spend some time just looking to see if there is one that attracts you more than others.  When you place it in your hand it should feel wonderful-  like it belongs there. It should not be too heavy for you or too tiny for the size of your hands.  There are some bowls that have deep  hammer marks and some that have a shiner patina. Some have sanscrit mantras and others  have symbols enscribed on them. All of these things should be taken into consideration when you seek a bowl.

Bowls and Chakras.  In the west we work with seven chakras.  The Tibetans work with five regions of the body. The bowls were created to bring us back to our experience of the interrelationship of all things; thus they are not calibrated to work on any one chakra to the exclusion of the rest. Their very nature encompasses our wholeness.  In this way they are very different instruments then the western counterparts- tuning forks and crystal bowls.  However there are some bowls whose tone and size lend themselves more naturally to certain areas of the body. ( ie.Lower tones for grounding, largest bowls by the feet, soothing mid tones around the head, and higher tones and small bowls over the 3rd eye, etc.  Bowls on the heart, solar plexus and sacrum are good to have in a descending tonal pattern from heart to sacrum.) Every bowl will also respond to intention.   Having many bowls is wonderful but understand that even if you have only ONE bowl, it will impact all of you, and not just one chakra. 


In the west, we are preoccupied with assigning a certain note to a certain area of the body. This works well with some modalities but since the Tibetan bowls produce harmonics, and since they are created to reflect wholeness, it is not necessary to choose a bowl for its note. This does not dismiss the more western approach of choosing specific bowls for their notes and correspondences to areas of the body, but gives you a wider perspective from which to choose.

Should You Choose an Online NLP Practitioner Training Course?

Online NLP practitioner training is a great way to develop new skills to help people cope with their problems, and you can also apply it to your own life in many ways. If you want to become an NLP practitioner, it is important that you find a program that will give you a practical guide that you can easily apply to your everyday life Kambo Practitioner.

Learning NLP Techniques Online

Before you choose an online NLP practitioner training course, you may want to learn more about the techniques that you can take advantage of once you have invested in the program. Download a free eBook on NLP techniques online to understand the way that NLP works.

What will You Learn with an NLP Practitioner Training Course

Before you begin your search for a training program, you may want to know more about what this type of course will provide you with. First, you will be introduced to the NLP modeling structure and learn how the language of your mind affects your actions and subsequently the outcomes that you experience.

You will then learn about how to set goals and how to get those goals. There are some technical terms that you will learn about: presuppositions and submodalities in particular. You will also learn how to consciously use language to your benefit and how to reframe certain situations so that you can begin to get what you want instead of what you don’t want. NLP will also teach you about integration and hypnosis.

Connecting the Puzzle Pieces

If you are unfamiliar with NLP, you may have a difficult time comprehending how all of these different ideas will collectively help you achieve a better result in your life, but after you have taken the course, all of these pieces will come together so that you can form a perfect puzzle in your mind.

Becoming an NLP Practitioner with an Online Training Course

If you are looking to become an NLP coach or practitioner, an online NLP practitioner training course will give you the ability to learn everything that you need to begin your journey. If you want to help people learn how to transform their lives to earn more money, find better relationships, and improve their physical fitness, an online NLP practitioner training course can help you become acquainted with the material so that you can understand how to become a coach or practitioner.

One reason that so many people prefer to learn about NLP online is because it allows them to do so at their own convenience. If it’s difficult to find the time to commit to learning NLP, an online training course is the best option. You will have the training resources for as long as you need them, and you can refer back to those whenever you need to refresh your memory and learn how to reapply the techniques effectively. These training materials can also help you more effectively teach other people about NLP and how to re-program their mind to reach their true potential.

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Survey equipment supplies refer to the instruments and equipment's that are used in different surveying applications and the companies t...